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A Faulty Reception

Whoever is of God hears the words of God. The reason why you do not hear them is that you are not of God.” John 8:47 ESV

You ever been on the phone with someone and you had difficulty understanding or hearing what they were saying? The problem isn’t in their speech, but in the transmitting of the phone reception. We also have a faulty reception from time to time of how we interpret what people say to us. Sometimes the interpretation is just as it sounds, but other times it is not. Differentiating between the two is where we need to ultimately get to in order to receive the clear message. The same is true of God. He speaks clearly and because we are ignorant of His Word, or reception is often faulty. The Words he is speaking are for our good, but we miss what He is trying to relate to us. The key to clearing up the way we perceive or hear is in knowing what He said and allowing our natural selves to become obedient to His commands. His Word is true, and we can take them literally as long as we have an understanding. “Whoever is of God hears the Words of God.” It is not that He is not speaking clearly, our reception is faulty! Are you of God?

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