Have you ever walked into a dark room and flipped on a light switch? Of course, we all have. Light immediately overtook the darkness. Sometimes we can be walking in darkness and not even be aware of it. That is mostly because we fail to realize who is the light that shines in a dark world. The Holy Spirit was left for us to be able to walk in the light and for our mind to be subject to the spirit. The leading of the Holy Spirit is there to help us be aware of the things around us. In a world where so much is happening right now like wars, mass shootings, hatred, and murders, it is important to note that even though we feel this sense of despair that we wait for the leading of the Holy Spirit to guide us because during these times He is bringing us comfort. He is walking with us, and we are leaning and depending on Him. He alone is the light in our darkness.
I have come into the world as a light, so that no one who believes in me should stay in darkness. John 12:46 NIV