Many of us have been placed in the most difficult trying places where it seems as if all of hell is against us. The Bible says we will be sifted as wheat. (Luke 22:31) We will be tried to determine what we have on the inside of us. How will we be found is the question we must ask ourselves. Is what we preach and teach what we really believe? Trials will come to make us strong and will only last for a short while. God will deliver us from the fire, but only after we have been found as pure gold. The trials we face are to bring us to purpose and destiny. Trials are meant to position us in Him. We cannot win any fight without the Holy Spirit and His power living in us. Know this, God will sustain us in the fire and under the sifter. Stay strong!
These have come so that the proven genuineness of your faith—of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire—may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed. I Peter 1:7 NIV