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Meaningful Relationships

Do nothing from rivalry or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Philippians 2:3

I have people in my life that are friends and I know I can count on them anytime of day or night. I have others that mean a lot to me and I would continue our relationship as God allows, but I know that they are not the person to call in my time of dire need. So, I have endeavored to create and foster meaningful relationships. I want people in my immediate circle that will add value to me. I want to be able to call on them to pray for me when I need prayer. I want to develop a space where we can share and that space is protected from others who have not been invited into the circle and has not been made privy to the information I share with the circle. By the same token, I want to be that person for them. I am not in competition to those I value. In fact, there is no need to be in competition with anyone. Do nothing from rivalry, but in humility count others as more significant. That’s very hard for many of us because we feel like we are less than and not important when we place significance on others. That’s where the enemy gets us and causes us to begin to rival against our neighbors. We are all important and everyone matters. Pray that you are led to meaningful relationships that add value to you and you to them. Pray that those who are not in a meaningful relationship with you that you lift them up and make them feel important. When you do, watch your life take on a new meaning!

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