Hope is a good thing, but when hope is deferred it can feel like we are stuck in a space of no escape. Have you ever just been stuck in a place where you wanted things to get better and kept hoping they would, but things never changed? Occasionally, there was something that gave you hope, but only to be snatched away by the next bad circumstance. Relationships can be this way; jobs can be this way; family members can be this way. All these things or people can offer hope only to snatch it away again. Deferred hope makes us sick in so many ways to include mentally, emotionally, and physically from the pain of waiting on people to change for the better. We hope that our desires will be granted. We hope that others will value who we are and want to change. Having our desires granted brings life to those holes in our heart. Praying today that hope is no longer deferred and that you are walking in the refreshing areas of life.
Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is a tree of life. Proverbs 13:12