Wherever you are in life today, there is an “after this” coming. I want to encourage you to walk with your hand in God’s hand and know His leading is perfect. There is no other person so great at designing the perfect path for you so you can walk out your destiny. Trouble comes? Yes, but it doesn’t stay. Friends disappear? Yes, they weren’t design, to walk in your purpose. In order for God to take you where you need to go, He will have to remove the weights. Sometimes we have weights that we do not know we have, and they are burdensome. Burdens of others gossiping and carrying weights of people who just “dump” their problems on us week after week. My mother gave me a piece of advice and it came from her mother. The advice was “mind your own business and love everyone. When you mind your own business, you don’t have time for anyone else’s business.” Yes, they will get mad when you stop allowing them to “dump” unnecessary concerns on you, but after they leave, you will have found your freedom. Finding freedom allows His glory to shine in you. After these things, after you find your freedom, you will know that God is for you!
And after these things I saw another angel come down from heaven, having great power; and the earth was lightened with his glory. Revelation 18:1 KJV